Monday, May 25, 2015

Week 6 forum


- The photo that stands out to me from Scobel's website:
Photo credit: Scobel Wiggins

- Sports and action photography are somewhat difficult and all about timing. I like that she was in the right place at the right time when she took this photo. I like the most the emotion in the players faces. The depth of filed and lighting are really good.

- Some questions:
Which sports do you like to shoot?
Does your sports photography job require you to travel often?
What is the most difficult part about shooting a game?


- My biggest challenge in shooting "My Neighborhood" assignment was getting people names. The photos I took where of some sellers, and they seemed to be so busy. They also asked what do I need their names and photos for, and I had to explain for them why.
- My favorite photo that turned out best is the photo of the woman drawing on the floor. It's so colorful and sharp. I many photos of her drawing, but I like the low angle of this photo.
- If I had this assignment to do over again, I would take more pic and get a more interesting landmark shot.

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