Monday, May 25, 2015

Week 5 Forum


- My favorite photo story is "Never Too Old For Love". This photo story is very interesting because it talks about people over 80 who still fall in love. The photos made me realized that there is no a certain age for being loved or in love. 
- I think the Two challenges the photography faced in getting the images is getting into the subject privacy and show the people a different side of old guys. Also, the photographer had to be with the subject on many different times, and I guess that might be a challenge for him.
- The visual consistency I can see in this photo story is that all the people in the photos are on action. The theme is all about love and old people. 
- The techniques or approaches I would use from this project are taking many action photos and be ready there at anytime. 


The photo story I'm thinking to do is about international students at INTO OSU and what they do in their daily school life. Another topic is doing a photo story about space club at LBCC. 
I would ask a member or a student in the club or at INTO to help me with that.

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