Friday, May 29, 2015

My Free Shoot Photos

Estefania Arellana is representing the Yemeni traditional outfit of the old Yemeni women at Ettihad Festival at Oregon State University Memorial Union Quad on Sunday, May 17.  

Mohammed Alqarquri and Omar Waleed Are performing an Algerian dance at Ettihad Festival at OSU MU on Sunday, May 17.

A group of Pakistani Students are representing their country at Ettihad Festival at OSU MU on sunday, May 17.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Photographer of the week.

Photographer of the week,, YOUSUF KARSH

 Yousuf Karsh (190-2002) a famous Armenian-Canadian portrait photographer is one of the masters of 20th century photography. His body of work includes portraits of statemen, artist, musicians, authors, scientists, and men and women of accomplishment. His extraordinary and unique portfolio presents the viewer with an intimate and compassionate view of humanity.

 Yousuf Karsh grew up during the Armenian Genocide where he wrote, "I saw relatives massacred; my sister died of starvation as we were driven from village to village." At the age of 16, his parents sent him to live with his uncle George Nakash, a photographer in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Nakash saw great potential in his nephew and in 1928 arranged for Karsh to apprentice with portrait photographer John Garo in Boston, Massachusetts, United States.

 The image of Churchill brought Karsh international prominence, and is claimed to be the most reproduced photographic portrait in history. In 1967, he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada and in 1990 was promoted to Companion.

Winston Churchill

 In 1967, Karsh was made an officer of the Order of Canada and in 1990, he was promoted to Companion. Out of the 100 most notable people of the century named by the 2000 International Who’s Who list, Yousuf had photographed 51 of them. He was also the only Canadian to make the list himself.

 Yousuf was a master of studio lights. He photographed many great celebrated personalities of his generation and he had a gift for capturing the essence of his subject in the instant of his portrait. He also published 15 books of his photographs. The books include brief descriptions of the sessions during which he would questions and talk with his subjects to relax them as he composed the portrait.

 Some of the celebrities he photographed included Muhammad Ali, Fidel Castro, W. H. Auden, Marian Anderson, Pablo Casals, Joan Baez , Winston Churchill, Princess Elizabeth, Indira Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Ruth Draper, Grey Owl, Helen Keller, Pope John Paul II, Andy Warhol and Marian Anderson.

 In the late 1990s Karsh moved to Boston and on July 13, 2002, aged 93, he died after surgery at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Week 5 Forum


- My favorite photo story is "Never Too Old For Love". This photo story is very interesting because it talks about people over 80 who still fall in love. The photos made me realized that there is no a certain age for being loved or in love. 
- I think the Two challenges the photography faced in getting the images is getting into the subject privacy and show the people a different side of old guys. Also, the photographer had to be with the subject on many different times, and I guess that might be a challenge for him.
- The visual consistency I can see in this photo story is that all the people in the photos are on action. The theme is all about love and old people. 
- The techniques or approaches I would use from this project are taking many action photos and be ready there at anytime. 


The photo story I'm thinking to do is about international students at INTO OSU and what they do in their daily school life. Another topic is doing a photo story about space club at LBCC. 
I would ask a member or a student in the club or at INTO to help me with that.

Week 6 forum


- The photo that stands out to me from Scobel's website:
Photo credit: Scobel Wiggins

- Sports and action photography are somewhat difficult and all about timing. I like that she was in the right place at the right time when she took this photo. I like the most the emotion in the players faces. The depth of filed and lighting are really good.

- Some questions:
Which sports do you like to shoot?
Does your sports photography job require you to travel often?
What is the most difficult part about shooting a game?


- My biggest challenge in shooting "My Neighborhood" assignment was getting people names. The photos I took where of some sellers, and they seemed to be so busy. They also asked what do I need their names and photos for, and I had to explain for them why.
- My favorite photo that turned out best is the photo of the woman drawing on the floor. It's so colorful and sharp. I many photos of her drawing, but I like the low angle of this photo.
- If I had this assignment to do over again, I would take more pic and get a more interesting landmark shot.

Week 7 Forum


1. My Sports/Action subject: Shooting  soccer game and players while playing the game for their soccer class.
2. I shot it on Thursday, May 21. At LBCC courtyard in Albany.
3. Overall -- the players warming up before the game starts.
    Medium -- a moment of the players during the soccer game.
    Closeup -- A stop action of a player showing his  soccer skills.
4. My primary contact is my subject  (one of the players) or the class instructor.


My favorite photo I've taken so far in #JN134 class.

Week 8 forum


1) I think the single most-important technological change in the history of photojournalism is starting to use digital prints  instead of the traditional black-and-white prints. Digital prints have great crisp detail and resolution and good qualities. Darkrooms don't have nearly the same degree of control as the digital.

2) In my opinion, the photographer I believe stands above all others in history of photojournalism is 'Dorothea Lange' . She is a photojournalist known for her images of the workers and those most affected by the depression. Her iconic image 'Migrant Mother' was taken in 1936 at migrant farm workers camp, and it's my fav.

Migrant Mother by Dorothea Lange.


I'm not really sure, but I'm thinking to do "A Day of an International Student". I might go to INTO OSU and take photos and notes of my subject during his day at school. The kind of photos I have in my mind are, a shot of the class and the students in it as an overview, the student doing his/her assignment as a medium, and a closeup of his/her face.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Action/Sports photos

Christian Flores is showing off his soccer skills on a sunny day at LBCC courtyard before they start the game for a soccer class on Thursday, May 21.

A moment of some players during the soccer game Thursday afternoon at LBCC courtyard on May 21. 

L to R, Jonny Esqeda, Christian Flores and Eduardo Arevalo are warming up for their soccer game on LBCC campus on Thursday, May 21. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

My neighborhood photos.

Laura Bennett is cooking some of her farm vegetables to show people some ideas for using various vegetables in there meals at Corvallis Farmers' Market on Saturday, May 2nd.

Luke Beene is selling vegetables from his farm at Corvallis Farmers' Market on Saturday May 2nd.

Misty Freeman is drawing some pretty and colorful designs on the ground of the Riverfront Park in Corvallis downtown on Saturday May 2nd.

Week 7 Free Photos.

Some handmade gemstone bracelets at Farmers' Market in Corvallis downtown on Saturday, May 2nd.

Margot Dedrick is selling bread and bagels at Farmers' Market in Corvallis downtown on Saturday, May 2nd.

Kat Mallchok is playing in the Riverfront park in Corvallis downtown on May, 2nd

A picture of Corvallis river on a cloudy day on Monday afternoon, May 10th.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Week #5 photos of the Earth Day event.

 Carolyn Sparling,  poetry club member reads Earth Day inspired poems at LBCC on wednesday, April 22.

Nicky Gangewer is handing in a plastic spoon to a student on the Earth Day event.

 A corner of Earth Day event on Wednesday, April 22 in the courtyard at LBCC.