Friday, June 5, 2015

Week 10 forum


1- The best photo I took this term.

2- I really like this photo because it stops the action and the depth of filed is very good. 

3- My skills before I take this class were not good and there was many things that I didn't know about photography or photojournalism. Now after I took this class, my skills got improved and way better than before. I now can control the camera and get focused and sharp photos. I got to know some important skills that very journalisms should know, like getting peoples names after taking photos of them.


- My goals for photojournalism class are first, don't leave my camera and shoot photos everyday. Second, read books about some famous photographers and try to learn more from them. Finally, do all my assignments and focus in the class to not miss any information that instructor gives us.

- I can say that I achieved all my goals and more. I'm really so thankful that I took this class and I really enjoyed it and learned lots of good things in it. I didn't leave my camera and I used to shoot every single day, and I will keep doing this even after this class finished. The text book was so helpful and interesting, so it was content with it. Also I read a lot about Yousuf Karsh who was my photographer for the week, and I learned more from him. He was such an awesome photographer and made me fall more in love with photography. I did all my class assignments and tried to be as good as I can. I've not missed or skipped any class because I enjoyed everyday in it. I also tried to get as many information as I could from my awesome instructor and supervisor. He made the class even much more fun and interesting. I learned many important skills and tools that can help me in the future or at my work. I appreciate it.    

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